Regarding our club's possible change of venue, Kathleen went over how the walk through at Pybus went. The club will be deciding at a coming board meeting, but it seemed pretty favorable.
The Rotary Foundation meeting scheduled for March 21 has been changed to Feb. 26. This is a one-hour session on the Foundation basics for Presidents-elect, TRF committee chairs, and anyone else interested in the Foundation. It starts at 6:00 pm at the Link office on Columbia Street
May 23-26th Ethan and Kaitlyn will be attending the RYLA Leadership Seminar in Canada.
See the March birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand sidebar.
Brags and Confessions:
Jim Huffman's wife will be going into surgery to get a part of her colon removed so be sure to keep her in your thoughts.
Rebecca's daughter placed third overall in her gymnastics tournament.
Chris had a great time in Africa.
Erik had a slightly less fantastic time in Africa due to the fact the he stepped on a sea urchin and had to get spikes removed from his foot.
Kaitlyn is going back to school to complete her prerequisite classed for two years before attending mortuary school.
Ethan got a part time job working evening shifts as a security guard at Macy's on top of still working full time at Haglund's.
Taro talked about his experience President-elects Training (PETS) and how the
Alaskan Rotarians know how to party. He also gave Earl a Lei to celebrate him going to Hawaii next year for his international convention. Area 9 leaders at PETS.............

Chloe Crassos, the exchange student from Belgium, did a great job going over some key points about Belgium and the government that they have. Belgium has a population of 10.5 million people and shares a land border with 4 countries including France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. The largest city and capital of Belgium is Brussels. There are three official languages in Belgium, Dutch, French, and German. Apparently Belgium is world-famous for beer they have over 1100 varieties of beers that are made there. Chloe swears by the fact that they have the best chocolate in the world and was very exited that she received a care package from home with some in it.
Erik & Kristin Holmberg and Chris& Holly McDarment gave away 1000 personal solar lights while they were in Africa. Our club support this project with funding to purchase some of the lights. Here are some pictures of them in action.