District Governor Visit
President Lisa introduced Assistant Governor Carol Adamson, who then introduced District Governor Sherry Chamberlain from the Kamloops West Rotary Club. This is her 15th club visit, with 42 to go. Sherry, who is only the second female DG in our district's history, talked about her personal story of why she joined Rotary. She got involved in helping rescue girls from sex slavery in Thailand and Cambodia. She has made 7 trips for CGT (Children of the Golden Triangle) projects.

In the area of The Rotary Foundation, Sherry emphasized the "World's Greatest Meal to End Polio" which will happen worldwide on October 24. Our club can participate with a dinner of our own, or join with other area clubs. Hands-on projects are another important aspect of a Rotary club, and she suggested we do a Peace Garden with a Peace Pole. The district will give our club $500 for a local project when we put up $500. There are also public image grants we can apply for.
Sherry ended by encouraging us to tell our Rotary story, and then showed a video promoting the district conference in Kamloops next May 2-5. Register (on the district web site) before the end of August to get a discount.
DG Sherry also presented a Paul Harris pin/certificate to Matt Eastman in recognition of the $1000 contribution to The Rotary Foundation. It was also announced that Dave Freimuth has earned his Paul Harris +1 (total of $2000 in contributions).

Lisa thanked Sherry with a couple bottles of wine and a $50 donation to the Rotary Peace Centers in her name.

Wayne, Jim & Carol, Tana, Robin, Taro, Jane , and John Mc. will all be working at the Watershed concert in the Gorge this weekend as a big fundraiser. Two more concerts coming up this summer.
Backpack/school supplies giveaway will be Saturday from 8-12 at Columbia Elementary School in Wenatchee. We have 7 members volunteering, and they can always use more help. our club also donated $1000 to the cause.
August 9th will be the all area social at Sunrise Circle with DG Sherry and her husband Jim.
Time: 6:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. for kids swimming and set-up)
Cost: $5.00 person or $10.00 for the whole family
Location: Sunrise Circle Park
Bring: Last Name: A-I Salad for 10, J-R Side Dish for 8, S-Z Dessert for 12
RSVP: john@ridgelinegraphics.com 669-6965
Kathleen McNalty was nominated for the GWATA Entrepreneur of the Year. We'll find out at the coming luncheon. Good luck, Kathleen, you deserve it.
August Birthdays: Chris McDarment
August Anniversaries: Kevin Love (Lynn), Earl Crowe (Joy), Bryan Noyd (Cyndi), Pete Blanksma (Kristine), Taro Masuda (Patti), & Jenny Rojanasthien (Top)
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