Social next Wednesday (6/13), 5:30 at Bobs' Burgers and Brew. No meeting Tuesday, 6/12.Volunteers who want to work at the Gorge concerts and didn't attend the last training need to attend the training on June 12 at Ridgeline Graphics form 5:30-8:30. The more volunteers we have, the more money we raise for our club, but the training is required. And who doesn't want to hear great music?
At the June 19 meeting we will be electing a Board member to replace Patty Rush, and a Secretary to replace Maggie Nelson.
Jim Huffman was at WHS awards night to present the Challenge Scholarship to Jasmine Guerrero, who will graduate this week.
Brian McDarment (Chris' son) will be our outbound YE student next year. He also earned his Eagle Scout Award. He is graduating Friday night, and invited all of us to his graduation party on Saturday from 2-4 at their home (739 Castle Heights Drive, Wenatchee).
June 26 is our Changeover dinner starting at 6:00 @ Ridgeline Graphics. El Porton is catering. This event will celebrate our year, thank Erin and her Board, and welcome Lisa and her Board as next year's leadership team. Bring your spouse or a friend and let's have a great year-end party. Sign up sheets will be going around, but you should contact Jim Huffman if you are coming and can't get signed up at our next meeting.
Greta Schock, our outbound YE student to Brasil 5 years ago, joined us this morning. She told us that her year abroad was life-changing, and that she wouldn't be where she is today, or doing what she is doing, if it weren't for the opportunity given to her by our Rotary club. She is a great example, and a tribute to how Rotary promotes world peace and understanding through the youth exchange program.

Two new members were inducted today. Jim A. introduced Ethan and Kaitlyn Van Weerdhuizen, sponsor Earl Crowe, and Kaitlyn's mom and sister (Joy & Lucy Crowe). They have been married nearly a year. Ethan is a customer service/sales rep at Haglund Trophies, and Kaitlyn is an administrative assistant at Jones & Jones/Betts Funeral Home. They have a dog, Lady, that they got from the Humane Society. Their interests include biking, reading, fishing, video games, and travel. They bring the average age of our club down to 30. Ethan and Kaitlyn wanted to be part of Rotary after volunteering on some of our club projects and seeing the fun we have and the good we do in the community.
Our wonderful YE student, Elza Domene, was the program today. She showed slides of her country (Brasil - correct spelling), talking about the food, schools, and holidays. Elza also talked about her family, friends, and some of her activities in Brasil, like being a model. She showed a video of her year here, which featured her activities (dance team), friends, exchange trips, and host family outings. Carol presented Elza with a parting gift from the club, a Washington State T-shirt. Carol, along with Elza's host parents, talked about what an awesome young lady she has been this year. She leaves for Brasil on June 25, and we will all really miss her.Thanks to the Noyd's, Crowe's, and Banken's for hosting Elza this year, and to Taro for his leadership as YE Chair, and Carol as Elza's counselor.
Bike Ride

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