Sunrise Rotary July 11th Meeting.
Welcome to our new president, Erin McCool.
Erin shared the Story of the Long Spoons at the beginning of the meeting. The message is simple: Help one another and we all prosper. Here is a video that summarizes the story. What a great way to start the year and a great though to keep in mind every day. Thanks Erin!
Thursday August 3rd the District Governor, Bill Jenkin, is coming to visit. The meeting is going to be at 12:00 at the Red Lion (Downtown Rotary Group's Meeting). All local groups are invited and this is the only meeting the DG will be attending.
That evening, there is an all-club potluck. Family is encouraged to attend with you! Sign up at the next meeting or RSVP to John McDarment at 669-6965. It starts at 6:00 p.m. but at 5:00 we will be setting up and the pool will be available for the kids. The cost is $5.00 per person or $10.00 for the WHOLE family.
Last Name A-I: Bring a salad for 10
Last Name J-R: Bring a side dish for 8
Last Name S-Z: Bring a dessert for 12
Main dish and non-alcoholic beverages are provided. Beer and Wine are allowed but bring your own!
Directions: At intersection of Maiden Lan and Western, continue North on Western. Turn RIGHT on Sunrise Circle. Enter at 2115 Sunrise Circle or 2125 Sunrise Circle.
July 24th is Rotary Night with the Apple Sox. Tickets are $20.00 and include hot dogs and hamburgers. You can purchase tickets at the door.
Jane Davis was inducted today. Welcome Jane!
Jane was born and raised in Lake Wenatchee and Wenatchee area. She has traveled extensively including being involved with Peace Corps.
Jane's daughter is Jayna and she was with her mom when she was inducted into our group. Jane moved back to Wenatchee in 2010. Her and Jayna have two labradoodles, Nalu and Nalani.
Jane is an ultra-marathoner and travels all over to run races.
We are excited to have Jane in the club!
Brags and Confessions:
Wayne finally sold his Sunnyslope lot and is preparing to use the money for a pool!
Mansour is 75 years old.
David shares a birthday with Mansour.
We heard from to North Central Washington Library representatives today. The Wenatchee Library is raising funds for a much needed update. It has not been changed since it was built in 1959! The proposed update will include lounge areas, upgraded technology, a cafe, a more electrical outlets and much, much more.
It is amazing what the library offers including free mailing of books to anyone, subscriptions to newspapers and other periodicals, meeting rooms and more.
If you would like to donate to the project, click here.
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