August Birthdays - Chris McDarment & Mike Thorburn
August Anniversaries - Kevin Love (Lynn), Earl Crowe (Joy), Dick Baker (Andrea), Bryan Noyd (Cindi), Pete Blanksma (Kristine), Taro Masuda (Patti), & Jenny Rojanasthien (Top)
Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club
(since 1986). Join us every Tuesday at 7:00 am in our hybrid meetings.
Physically at Pybus Market Event Center or virtually using Zoom:
We are an organization made up of professional business people whose main goal is service through our friendships and our vocations. Come see what we are all about.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
July 25th Meeting
Club News:
Next week there is no meeting on Tuesday but please join the Thursday meeting at 12:00 at the Red Lion. The District Governor Bill Jenkin will be attending this meeting and all the local clubs will be there! Let's have a great showing for Sunrise Rotary!
On Thursday evening at 6:00 we will be having an all-club social. It is $5.00 per person or $10.00 per family. Main dish will be provided please bring an additional dish according to this list:
-Last Name A- I: Salad for 10
-Last Name J-R: Side Dish for 8
-Last Name S-Z: Dessert for 12 (clearly our priorities lie in having LOTS of dessert!)
BYOB, wine and beer only, non-alcoholic beverages provided.
RSVP to John at or 669-6965.
Directions: At the intersection of Maiden Lain and Western, Continue North on Western. Turn RIGHT on Sunrise Circle. The gathering is in the middle of Sunrise Circle. Enter at 2115 or 2125.
Save the Date: September 16th, BBQ at Utigard's!
The Blue Cups on the Table are currently going to the Kamloops Fire Relief.
Other News:
Cash and Carry will have a Ribbon Cutting on August 11th at 12:00 noon but they will be open from 6:00-6:00 that day for Grand Opening Specials!
Rocky Reach Dam is hosting July Business After Hours. This will be a fun one!
Volunteers needed:
Sunrise Rotary has sponsored the Back to School Fair organized by Columbia Valley Community Health (CVCH) and the North Central Education Service District the past few years. Again this year, the Board approved a $1000 donation to help purchase school supplies to be given away. The event is Saturday August 5th, 9am to Noon at CVCH. Anyone interested in volunteering to help, or seeking more information, should contact Bon Felma:
Brags and Confessions:
Wayne spent the weekend in Waitsburg, WA doing some fishing and wine tasting.
PJ went to see is Mom in Bozeman.
Earl's daughter was in the paper for a 4.0. Way to go Emma!
Lisa attended a small reunion with some high school friends and has found a new hobby: Fly Fishing!
Jill's daughter returned to Florida after a fun visit.
Alan spent the weekend in Chelan doing a whole lot of nothing and returned to spend the evening canning LOTS of salsa.
Leslie's dog had eye surgery and there were some complications but now the doggy is doing better and Leslie has a part time job as a dog nurse.
Erik went to visit his son in Sun Valley.

The children who benefit are those that receive a feel or reduced meal during the school year but during the summer are left to fend for themselves.
Small Miracles has several locations throughout the valley.
Small Miracles needs the following:
Volunteers. Can you donate ONE hour to Small Miracles? If so, please do.
Money. Donate $5.00, donate $5000.00- it doesn't matter, every little bit helps.
This is a beautiful way to help LOCALLY. One of my (Annie) favorite quotes is from Krista Tippett who says "We are all healers of this world. It is not about healing the world by making a huge difference. It is about healing the world that touches you, that is around you. The world to which you have proximity." Small miracles puts this quote into action.
Please visit to make a donation of time or money.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
July 18th Meeting
Congratulations to Jim Huffman for receiving the Paul Harris award for the second time!
Sami Everhart is back and will be telling us all about her trip to Italy at the August 8th meeting.
We will be working at the Apple Bowl Concessions later this year and we need 5-8 people to help out.
Blue Cup Money will be going to the Fire Relief Effort for Rotarians in District 5060.
Please take a minute to fill out a housing survey for Our Valley, Our Future. You can find the link to the survey here. It is at the bottom left side of the page.
Brags and Confessions:
Mike went fishing and had the best fly fishing day of his life. Leslie took the dog in for eye surgery.
Rebecca has been traveling all over!
Kathleen went to the Tutor Doctor Conference in Toronto.
Renee has been on the east coast.
Jim H successfully incorporated Chuck Norris into the slide show and was not fined.
PJ just got back from Jackson Hole.
Tana missed some meetings.
Erik wants everyone to know that the Sergeant at Arms is showing love through their fining.
The Classification talks were given by John Chapman and Jason Underwood.
It is always hard to take good notes for the classification talks and it is better to just be there anyway to hear them in person! But...a few highlights:
John is the son of a funeral director and the youngest of 7 siblings.
He has two kids: Michael who is 3 1/2 and Angela who is 10 months old.
He has a Master's in Exercise Physiology that he has not really used in his current work.
Jason works in Commercial Banking.
He has a four year old son named Michael.
He has completed two Iron Man Triatholons
Congratulations to Jim Huffman for receiving the Paul Harris award for the second time!
We will be working at the Apple Bowl Concessions later this year and we need 5-8 people to help out.
Blue Cup Money will be going to the Fire Relief Effort for Rotarians in District 5060.
Please take a minute to fill out a housing survey for Our Valley, Our Future. You can find the link to the survey here. It is at the bottom left side of the page.
Brags and Confessions:
Mike went fishing and had the best fly fishing day of his life. Leslie took the dog in for eye surgery.
Rebecca has been traveling all over!
Kathleen went to the Tutor Doctor Conference in Toronto.
Renee has been on the east coast.
Jim H successfully incorporated Chuck Norris into the slide show and was not fined.
PJ just got back from Jackson Hole.
Tana missed some meetings.
Erik wants everyone to know that the Sergeant at Arms is showing love through their fining.
The Classification talks were given by John Chapman and Jason Underwood.
It is always hard to take good notes for the classification talks and it is better to just be there anyway to hear them in person! But...a few highlights:
John is the son of a funeral director and the youngest of 7 siblings.
He has two kids: Michael who is 3 1/2 and Angela who is 10 months old.
He has a Master's in Exercise Physiology that he has not really used in his current work.
Jason works in Commercial Banking.
He has a four year old son named Michael.
He has completed two Iron Man Triatholons
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Our Amazing Sergeant at Arms!
Our earlier blog post omitted the amazing presentation of our Sergeant at Arms. Of course, this was because it was so great it needed its OWN post!
First of all, a big, big shout out to Bryan, Erik and Kevin. These guys really brought an entirely new level the club.
Here is the deal:
Instead of a straight fine, you can now elect to choose one of the followingpunishments options:
P: You can just pay the fine.
E: Extort. You can give up personal information about yourself that must be new and interesting. If SA determines it is not either, see "P" (x2).
T: Thank. You can show your gratitude to someone in the club by telling everyone about a service they have done- we ARE a service club so this is a cool idea! Again, if your thank you is lame, see "P" (x2, of course) . Example: You received an email from one of the SAs telling you that you might be fined due to leaving them out of the blog...make a blog post about JUST them and say THANKS!
So that is a summary of the newregime program for this year!
Again, a MILLION thanks to Erik, Bryan and Kevin for your hard work.
(I'll bring money to the next meeting. -Annie)
First of all, a big, big shout out to Bryan, Erik and Kevin. These guys really brought an entirely new level the club.
Here is the deal:
Instead of a straight fine, you can now elect to choose one of the following
P: You can just pay the fine.
E: Extort. You can give up personal information about yourself that must be new and interesting. If SA determines it is not either, see "P" (x2).
T: Thank. You can show your gratitude to someone in the club by telling everyone about a service they have done- we ARE a service club so this is a cool idea! Again, if your thank you is lame, see "P" (x2, of course) . Example: You received an email from one of the SAs telling you that you might be fined due to leaving them out of the blog...make a blog post about JUST them and say THANKS!
So that is a summary of the new
Again, a MILLION thanks to Erik, Bryan and Kevin for your hard work.
(I'll bring money to the next meeting. -Annie)
July 11th Meeting
Sunrise Rotary July 11th Meeting.
Welcome to our new president, Erin McCool.
Erin shared the Story of the Long Spoons at the beginning of the meeting. The message is simple: Help one another and we all prosper. Here is a video that summarizes the story. What a great way to start the year and a great though to keep in mind every day. Thanks Erin!
Thursday August 3rd the District Governor, Bill Jenkin, is coming to visit. The meeting is going to be at 12:00 at the Red Lion (Downtown Rotary Group's Meeting). All local groups are invited and this is the only meeting the DG will be attending.
That evening, there is an all-club potluck. Family is encouraged to attend with you! Sign up at the next meeting or RSVP to John McDarment at 669-6965. It starts at 6:00 p.m. but at 5:00 we will be setting up and the pool will be available for the kids. The cost is $5.00 per person or $10.00 for the WHOLE family.
Last Name A-I: Bring a salad for 10
Last Name J-R: Bring a side dish for 8
Last Name S-Z: Bring a dessert for 12
Main dish and non-alcoholic beverages are provided. Beer and Wine are allowed but bring your own!
Directions: At intersection of Maiden Lan and Western, continue North on Western. Turn RIGHT on Sunrise Circle. Enter at 2115 Sunrise Circle or 2125 Sunrise Circle.
July 24th is Rotary Night with the Apple Sox. Tickets are $20.00 and include hot dogs and hamburgers. You can purchase tickets at the door.
Jane Davis was inducted today. Welcome Jane!
Jane was born and raised in Lake Wenatchee and Wenatchee area. She has traveled extensively including being involved with Peace Corps.
Jane's daughter is Jayna and she was with her mom when she was inducted into our group. Jane moved back to Wenatchee in 2010. Her and Jayna have two labradoodles, Nalu and Nalani.
Jane is an ultra-marathoner and travels all over to run races.
We are excited to have Jane in the club!
Brags and Confessions:
Wayne finally sold his Sunnyslope lot and is preparing to use the money for a pool!
Mansour is 75 years old.
David shares a birthday with Mansour.
We heard from to North Central Washington Library representatives today. The Wenatchee Library is raising funds for a much needed update. It has not been changed since it was built in 1959! The proposed update will include lounge areas, upgraded technology, a cafe, a more electrical outlets and much, much more.
It is amazing what the library offers including free mailing of books to anyone, subscriptions to newspapers and other periodicals, meeting rooms and more.
If you would like to donate to the project, click here.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Parking Cars for $

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