There is a Board Meeting at the Wild Huckleberry at 7:00 on Monday, February 13th.
Be sure and check out Sami Everhart's update on our blog (keep scrolling down)!
Lucas has been up at Mission Ridge a bunch and loves it. He is enjoying his time with the McCools. Track season is coming up. Also, Rugby season starts soon. I think we need a cheering crowd for both!
Any old glasses or sunglasses hanging around? Get them to Milt! He can take all kinds of prescription glasses on the medical mission trips to Africa.
Brags and Confessions:
Erin was sick but it was just a cold- feeling better now.
Wayne is tired of the ice and snow.

Laura, who loves the snow, is crossing her fingers for a snow day on Thursday (I bet you get it!)
Rebecca just returned from Colombia and Peru where she visited Machu Picchu. I have included a picture of a llama at Machu Picchu since I don't have a picture of Rebecca there.
Jim R is in Olympia all the time now. Also, one of his students from Omak was a top five placer in the "Transforming Lives" Competition.
Kevin says that all the snow might mean less smoke in the summer.
Milt apologized for missing packing friendship and thanked Maggie for her grace.
Milt also thanked Ruth for the glasses donation.
Classification Talks:
Don Sangster was born in Antone, Washington on a cattle ranch. He spent 18 years there where he drove tractor, rode horses and all the other things that you do on a cattle ranch. During his junior year in school his dad took him out of school although he can't remember exactly why and the family moved to Clarkston, Washington.
He was trying to decide what to do and ended up becoming a parts guy at a local auto place. He did that until the Vietnam war started. Don didn't want to be in the army so he joined the Navy and was promptly shipped out to Guam after doing boot camp in San Diego. He said it was one was the worst experiences of his life at first but then he got used to it and it ended up being okay. He finished his tour of duty in Guam.
After he returned he got back into the parts business and eventually became service manager at Pontiac/Dodge. But after a while he got tired of getting his butt chewed and decided he might move into selling. At the time that he he started selling Firebird was a big deal. He ended up being one of the top Firebird salesman.
A guy by the name of John Delorean bought a dealership in Lewiston and Don worked there for a while but Don heard from an inside source that was time for him to look for a new job. He went to the Ford dealership as a salesman and sold on the floor for a year before he was promoted. From 1986 to 1989 he was the sales manager there. One day, the owner and Don decided to travel to Wenatchee to check out a store for sale there. Before he knew what was happening, Don moved to Wenatchee in July 1989 and is been here ever since. He has the store and his three boys work with him now.
Don is a Hot Rod enthusiast but when asked to narrow down all of his cars to his absolute favorite he said it would have to be his 64 GTO that he would hold onto forever.
Leslie Coleman was born in Fort Worth Texas. Her mom was a native Texan. When she was a kid her family moved to Olympia. Her dad had a chiropractic practice in Lacey, Washington.
She had a fantastic youth. They lived on waterfront property and she had a horse and she spent much of her time on horses. Which, according to Leslie, can swim if you can hold on real tight.
After she graduated high school parents or friends went to Europe they were there for 2.5 months one of her friends family have some money so they bought them a VW van which they picked up in Luxembourg. They drove all over Europe in that van and eventually took a ship back to New York city and then drove the van all the way back to Olympia.
Leslie couldn't decide what she wanted to do and there was a beauty school in Lacey and she thought maybe she tried that for a while. She realized it wasn't for her. After that she went to chiropractic college in Chicago and worked there for a few years. She didn't love the chiropractic industry either and it turned out that her brother-in-law, who worked for AT&T, knew of a job opening.
That was the beginning of a 26 year career at AT&T. AT&T turned into Illinois Bell in 1984 and Leslie worked that entire area of the greater Illinois and surrounding states. She became involved in PBX design and telephone systems. She said it was one of her favorite jobs.
During that time her friend and and her started making their own greeting cards. One year they made a Christmas card for their family and everyone raved about how amazing it was. The artwork on the card uses a special technique called iris folding where after you fold all of the paper it creates a concentric geometric design when you turn it over. Anne and Leslie decided that they wanted to retire from what they were doing and pursue the greeting card business more seriously. In 2005 Anne retired and in 2006 Leslie retired and they started the business called "Three and me". By June 2006 they had booked it booked their first juried art show. They did nine shows that year, 14 shows the next year and 16 shows the year after and they realized that was too many shows. But they were able to participate in what was called the one-of-a-kind show in Chicago. It's very prestigious art show.
In 2009 Leslie's husband of 25 years passed away. In the year after, Leslie lost heart for the art world and "Three and me" was disbanded.
She has one daughter and two stepdaughters, three grandchildren, two dogs and cat.
Leslie passed around some of her artwork.
(I (Annie) took this picture of the hummingbird she made and including it here does a disservice to how amazing this was to see in person. But at least you have a really cool reflection of me and the Red Lion ceiling.)
Club Social:
Next social is March 8th at Badger Mountain Brewing Company for Trivia Night! Bring all your smart friends!
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