The Boeing tour was rescheduled due to high winds in Everett last weekend, so you have another chance to sign up, The new date is November 5. Contact Wayne Massing.
The Challenge Scholars and mentors met at Abbys for pizza last Sunday.
We had our first monthly social at Pybus last Wednesday, and had a great time (scroll down to see pictures below). Next one is scheduled for Wed., Nov. 9 at Columbia River Brewery.
Several of our members were on hand at WVC to talk to students about forming a Rotaract club last week (scroll down for pictures).
October 20 - Challenge Scholars and mentors meet at WHS Career Center at 3:30.
October 22 - Highway cleanup. Meet at 8:00 am at the first Hydro Park in East Wenatchee. Bring gloves and warm clothes. Party at Abbys afterwards.
October 24 - Celebrate what Rotary has done with polio eradication at an area-wide Rotary potluck at the Wenatchee Museum. Main dish will be provided, so just bring a side, salad, or dessert. Bring family and/or guests.
October 28-29 - District Training Assembly in Osoyoos , BC. This is especially good for officers and committee chairs. Our club will reimburse the registration fee. This is a great resort about 2.5 hours north (just across the Canadian Border so take your passport or enhanced driver's license). Rates in Canadian currency, which is a great deal for us. Take your significant other and spend a couple nights. Check it out and register here.
You won't want to miss the District Conference April 27-30. Location is the beautiful Grand Okanagan Resort in Kelowna, BC. Register (at least $100 deposit) by October 30 to have a chance for our club to win $1000 for a project of our choice. Great speakers, and wonderful fellowship with Rotarians from all around our district. Again, we get Canadian prices, and the club will reimburse the registration cost. Check it out and register here.
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