The Board has received very positive feedback about the Apple Century Bike Ride. Bikers from all over the world report that this is one of their favorite rides.
The club received a thank you note from the Friends and Family of United Nicaragua thanking us for our donation to Stove Team International.
The club received a thank you note from the class of 2016 thanking us for the donation to their senior class party.
Rebecca Lyons has now been approved by the board for membership and is in her one week waiting period for comments.
Kevin Love had two requests: Can someone attend a 5:00 meeting this Thursday at McDee's to look at a final set of plans for the Rotary park shelter? Brian Thorpe filled the other request by being willing to help out with raising and lowering the flags as needed.
Paul Harris Recipient: Bryan Noyd received a multiple Paul Harris Fellow pin in recognition for contributing another $1000 to The Rotary Foundation!
Brags and Confessions:
Kevin Love's daughter, Andrea, finished her school principal's certification. Daughter Emily in New York will be coming to Seattle to spend time with the family for the week.
Annie LaCroix has been accepted to the Master's program in functional medicine.
Earl Crowe's daughter, Emma, is on the drill team at Pioneer Middle School. Earl has been asked to teach at the college this fall.
Joanne Rosenthal is thankful for all of Maggie's hard work as secretary substitute while she was gone.
Alan Walker's youngest son just graduated.
Bill McDonald reported that Craig Robertson did well at the Cusick Cup tennis tournament last weekend.
Today's Program:
Our other two presenters today were are own Rotarians giving classification talks. Newer Rotarian, Dick Baker and...experienced Rotarian, Milt Herman.
Dick currently works for Mobile Fleet Services, a family run business. He and his wife also have a Bed and Breakfast.
He is from Billings, MT and after traveling to various places such as New York, he realized he prefers the slower pace of West Coast living.
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