Today we enjoyed a great program by the South Australian Vocational Training Team. The group came from District 9500 in South Australia. Click on the link to see their Facebook Page.
The group started in Yakima at the District Conference, then spent in a few days in Moses Lake before coming to Wenatchee. Next, they head to the Chelan/Okanogan area.
Each of the team members presented a bit about their lives in Australia.
Jim Mitchell, the Rotarian Leader, raises sheep for wool in the Barossa Valley. He has been a Rotarian for over 30 years!
Jess Crettenden grew up on a mixed farm including sheep and cropping. She is a research scientist at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre, a government research facility.
Claire Webber has been involved in the seafood industry her whole life and is currently a research and liaison officer for the Austrian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association. Claire also spoke a bit about the Aboriginal people of Australia and some of the differences in culture. For example, they are a completely verbal group of people with no written language so are therefore not classified as a civilization.
Ben Mitchell grew up in the Barossa Valley. He has studied Viticulture and currently works at Henschke Wines in Eden Valley. It was interesting to hear how Australian agriculture relies on much less irrigation than we are used to in the Wenatchee Valley.
Alice Fargher is the operations manager at Angorichina Station. This place raises sheep but is also involved in agritourism. Click here to see what is available for your next trip to Australia! The farm also musters (Australian word for "herds") feral goats. These goats provide the most widely consumed red meat in the world!
During their visit here, the group enjoyed activities like river rafting, a pot luck, a tour of the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery and an evening at the Columbia Brewery. Today they go to the airport, a winery, and the WSU Tree Fruit experimental orchard.
If you would like to follow their adventures, Like their Facebook Page. It is filled with great pictures!
We still need volunteers for the Apple Century Bike Ride. Jim Adamson will be sending out an email from PJ regarding volunteer needs for Wednesday (cleaning out the storage unit), Thursday (putting out route arrows) and Friday (putting out signs). If you can help on these days, contact PJ or Alice.
As of this week, we have 278 riders! Keep sharing the event on Facebook an encourage more!
There is a final bike ride meeting on Wednesday, May 25th, 5:30 p.m. at Sticks. Come one, come all!

Look who was awarded a prestigious Boy Scout honor for service to the Scouting program. Way to go Erik Holmberg.
Erin attended the Wenatchee High School Award Ceremony last night and Alex and Emily, our Challenge Scholars, both received several awards. Alex really cleaned up, receiving almost every scholarship available. Good Job!
Don't forget the Change Over Dinner on June 21st. It is $15.00 a person and it will be billed to your account. A great night of fun and celebration as we change over our President. Also, there will be NO MEETING that morning!
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