The Board approved $3500 to contract with Firefly to design and maintain our club web site and the bike ride web site. Also, we will not be participating in the Seattle Bike Expo this year. We have received a commitment from Confluence Health to be a $5000 sponsor for the ride, and we are trying to get another $5000 from them.
Our Challenge Scholars and their families will be at our December 22 meeting.
Wayne sent around a sign up sheet for those interested in helping pack sack lunches for the "Packing Friendship" program. This program provides food for kids who may not have food on the weekends. Our club will help pack sacks every other Wednesday at the Assembly of God church on McKittrick. The Rotaract club will cover the other Wednesdays.

Be thinking new members. Starting in January, we will have a competition to see which teams can bring the most prospective member guests, and the most new members. Members from the winning team will receive a stay at Sun Mountain Lodge near Winthrop. Jim Adamson gave a minute for membership that defined why people join Rotary, and proposed a simple message we can give people who want to know what Rotary is all about. Try it as you share your Rotary experience.
Rotary is a leadership and service organization. We are made up of local business people, professionals, and civic leaders. We meet weekly, have fun, form friendships, and through these, we get a lot of good things done in our community.

President - Matt McColm
Pres-elect - Erin McCool
Vice Pres - Jim Huffman
Secretary - Joanne Rosenthal
Treasurer - Lisa Tidd
Board Members - Maggie Nelson and Kathleen McNaulty
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