Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20 Meeting Notes

Meeting Leader - Robin DeRock

Today is National Sangria Day! Celebrate after the meeting!

No Guests were in attendance.


Milt quoted an Emerson: "Talkin' about it, didn't do it. Doin' it, got it done!"


President's Christmas Raffle
President Robin had cards at every table for members to get their name into the hat for drawing of Christmas-related prizes. Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner! Carol, Milt, Taro, Stacy, Earl and Ruth all went home with Christmas gifts.

Bruce House Gift Wrap
Earl reported that the Bruce House gift wrap session was attended by Robin, Kathleen, Kaity, Earl, Jim A, Shanley (our Assistant Governor) and Fran (our Yother Exchange student from Argentina). There were 42 gifts wrapped for children. Confluence Rotary Club also helped.

Christmas Party 

  • The Christmas party was well attended at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center on Thursday night. The folks at Depot Diner provided breaded chicken breasts, cream sauce over pasta, salad and dinner rolls. Members brought an assortment of desserts. The White Elephant Gift Exchange entertained the attendees and most went home with surprise gifts!

Kathleen McNalty - Craft Day at Pybus
Taro and his daughter Veronica, Glenn and his wife Dena helped Kathleen with the Kid's Craft Creation.

Brags and Confessions

Robin DeRock - Robin spent time with her son and daughter to celebrate their December birthdays.

Kevin Love - Kevin and wife Lynn traveled to Las Vegas where they attended several concerts and a rodeo. They came back home with CoVid and are recovering.

Jim Adamson - Jim and Carol traveled to Silverton, Oregon, to attend their granddaughter's graduation from nursing school. She already has a job!

Kelly Walker - Kelly visited with her mother in the Olympia area.


Past President Kathleen McNalty passed around ballots to the 14 people in attendance to vote on the 2023-2024 Club Officers:
  • Craig Reese - Club President 2023-2024
  • Rebecca Lyons - President-Elect
  • Alan Walker - Secretary
  • Treasurer - Earl Crowe
  • Board of Directors
    • Jim Adamson (2nd year)
    • Jackie Rector (2nd year)
    • Kelly Walker (new term of 2 years)
    • Allie Schank (new term of 2 years).
The election ballots were tallied and all those running were elected. There were no write-in candidates.

Program - President's Club Update

Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club President Robin DeRock presented the club with her 6-month report of club goals and their completion.

Robin has had a very successful year as Club President! 

Robin closed with a note from Chris Offer, Past Governor:

"Let us take a moment to remember all the religions represented in the Rotary family.
Let us also recall that when we were invited to join our Rotary clubs, we were not asked are you a Protestant, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Catholic or a Buddhist, or a Sikh.
You were not asked because all religions are welcome in the Rotary family. Please join me in a moment of reflection and thanks with these words:

With our friends beside us,
And no person beneath us,
With the bonds of Rotary Between us,
And our worries behind us,
With our goals before us,
And no task beyond us,
With a thirst for knowledge,
And a dream of a Polio free world,
We are thankful for our Rotary friends.

Thank You, Shalom, Ah-men.
Chris Offer, Governor 5040/99-00


Milt tried to find the silver marble for the raffle. No one won the raffle this week.  $202 dollars and growing!

Joke of the Week

A guy told me there was a shark attack! The shark took off his whole left side. I couldn't believe it when the guy told me he was all right!

Upcoming Events - Check Sunrise Website Calendar for more events and details

December 27th, NO MEETING!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 13 Meeting Notes


December 13 Meeting Notes - District Governor Karl Ruether

Meeting Leader - Robin DeRock

Four Way Test

Welcome guests: Francisca - Exchange Student, Nikki Darling from Darling Production in Wenatchee, Stacy Gold brought a service dog from Sage named Hank (pictured at left)

Welcome Rotary Guest:  Karl Ruether - District Governor and his wife Denise, Shanly Crane - Area Governor


Francisca - Exchange Student Update
  • She met with all of the exchange students at Silver Star Mountain Resort in Vernon, British Columbia
  • They skied, went sledding, and just had a great time in the snow
  • She really enjoyed spending time with so many students from all around the world
Rebecca Lyons - Christmas Party Update
  • The Christmas party is Thursday December 15th at the Museum
    • Happy Hour 6:00 - 6:30 pm
    • Dinner will be served at 6:30 w/ dessert and gift exchange to follow
    • BYOB
    • Gift Exchange - $20 limit per person participating
Earl Crowe - CPS Gifts - 3pm 
  • Women's Resource Center - 202 Palouse Street, Wenatchee WA
  • Francisca will be Santa's helper 
Several Club members below participated in wrapping presents for the Bruce House kids in Wenatchee.

Jim and Shanley Crane (Assistant Governor for our area)

Jim, Shanley, Kathleen, Earl and Katie (below)

Kathleen McNalty - Craft Day at Pybus - December 17th at Pybus
  • The kids will be making Christmas Trees and bracelets
  • Volunteers needed - Contact Robin or Kathleen
Jackie Rector - Valentines Day Karaoke Fundraiser
  • Allie Schank and Woody Lotts are the project leaders
  • Nikki Darling from Darling Productions will be the DJ and Chief Contestant Advocate during the event
    • Nikki has the only local podcast production company in Wenatchee
    • Her website is: www.darlingproductionswa.com 
    • They are a full-service company that can handle all of your needs right here in Wenatchee. Reach out to her for a free consultation.
  • The location for the event is still being determined
Attention: There will be no meeting on December 27th!

Brags and Confessions

Stacy Gold
  • Stacy brought a new member for the club
  • His name is Hank. He is service dog from Sage.
  • He will likely be attending meetings in the near future.

Robin DeRock
  • Robin and Richard celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary while in Europe
  • They were on a boat on a river in Prague

John Schapman

  • John spent the weekend in Ronald, WA with family
  • They went cross-country skiing

Wayne Massing

  • Wayne and his wife caught Covid
  • Thankfully they had mild cases and have tested negative 3 times and are back in action

Kathleen McNalty

  • She traveled to Delaware to visit her mom and sister

Ruth Dagg

  • There are Christmas Sing-a-Longs at the PAC Friday December 16th
  • This will be Christmas to remember for her and her family. Her son is being deployed

Joel Banken

  • Joel's son has been accepted to med school at the University of Washington.

Chris McDarment

  • Chris' son has passed all 9 tests required to become a part of the CPCU Society and receive their most trusted credential.
  • The CPCU Society is a group motivated and supportive global community committed to lifelong learning. They support all risk management and insurance professionals on their unique paths.

Kathleen McNalty

  • Kathleen and her husband bought a condo in Seattle
  • They love the city and spend quite a bit of time there

Program - Annual District Governor Visit

Area Governor Shanley Crane introduced District Governor Karl Ruether with a list of things for Santa to consider about Karl this year. The verdict was nice!

Karl spoke to the new year for both Rotary International and for the 56 Rotary Clubs in our district.

Jennifer Jones, the President of Rotary International is traveling extensively to spread her vision for all Rotarians.

Her brother Darin Jones is an artist. He was commissioned to create a work of art for Rotary. There is one original and 600 Limited Edition Prints. The name of the artwork is "Imagine Ones Dreams".

The Limited Edition Prints have been given to the District Governor's. Karl will be auctioning his copy at the District Conference in Leavenworth next year. (Sorry for the poor picture quality.)

Karl spoke about the impact that Covid had on the youth programs in Rotary.
  • Interact - Ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self
  • Exchange Student Program - Inspire young leaders to serve as catalysts for peace and social justice in their local communities and throughout the world
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) - Intensive leadership experience for people ages 14-30 sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event run by the club's District Committee
  • Rotex - a society of past Rotary Youth Exchange alumni supporting current inbound and outbound Exchange Students
These programs are critical to bringing today's youths into Rotary in the future. They are all important priorities moving forward.

Karl shared a video introducing Leavenworth as a destination and all it has to offer. (The video will be added to this BLOG next week.)

Karl talked about the Annual Rotary Citation Awards. The award can be earned by meeting the Citation Goals thereby strengthening your club and contributing to the overall health and culture of Rotary. AG Shanley Crane got all 7 clubs in our area to meet the goals last year.  Karl hopes all the clubs will achieve the award this year as well.

Karl reminded everyone that eradicating Polio is still Rotary's goal. There are 2 countries left in the world with Polio. He reminded everyone to keep our eye on the ball and finish what was started by Dr Kadmin in 1985.

The district is also working hard to identify opportunities for new clubs.
  • Winthrop, Mazama and Twisp are on the list to create a club for their area
  • An e-Club is also being discussed for veterans and first responders
Overall membership is down in Rotary. Karl would like all clubs to reimagine our recruiting strategies. He mentioned a couple of ideas:
  • There are over 700 wineries in our district. If we could get one person from each winery, that would be 700 new members
Karl asked the following question to define truly committed:
  • What is the difference between an egg and bacon on a breakfast sandwich?
    • A chicken supports the sandwich.
    • The pig is fully committed!
Karl reminded us that there are monthly Zoom meetings for new members. District membership chair, Jim Chamberlain, and DG Karl are both on the calls each month. Ask Robin for information about the monthly meetings.

Social media was the next topic. Karl suggested that each club should ask themselves the following question:
  • How has their club impacted the local community since its inception?
    • Make a list
    • Tell the story online
    • Consider running an ad at the movie theater like France and Co.
BEE'S - Karl was not wearing the hat just to be stylish. The district is also taking on the challenge of planting pollinator gardens to help support the Bee population. Clubs that participate will be entered for a $1,000 prize drawing. Bees are essential to our farming community and their population is in danger. 
  • There are numerous YouTube videos about this idea. 
  • Click here to see the list on YouTube.
Rotary International Conference - Karl has a goal to send 50 people to the conference in Melbourne. There are two people from our club attending so far.

The District Conference will be held in Leavenworth next summer. Ask Robin for more details about attending the conference.

Just a Thought

“Try not to become a man of success 
but rather try to become a man of value.” 

- Albert Einstein

No one won the raffle this week.  $190 dollars and growing

Upcoming Events - Check Sunrise Website Calendar for more events and details

December 15th - Sunrise Christmas Party - 6pm at the Wenatchee Museum
December 20th Meeting - Elections for club positions

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


December 6 Meeting Notes

Meeting Leader - Kathleen McNalty

Four Way Test

Welcome guests: Francisca - Exchange Student

Welcome Rotary Guest:  Patty (attending for Taro)


Christmas Party - December 15 - 6pm - Museum
  • Dinner will be served
  • Bring a white elephant gift ($20 or less) if you want to participate in the gift exchange
Bruce House Christmas Presents Needed by Dec 13th
  • Our club is wrapping presents at the Woman's Resource Center (right next to the Bruce House) on the 13th
  • Santa will be delivering the presents on December 16th
  • Due to privacy concerns, only Santa and one helper will be allowed to participate. Santa's helper will be Francisca, our exchange student.
East Wenatchee Grace House Gifts Needed
  • The East Wenatchee Rotary Club has asked for our help in donating gifts for Grace House. Their club is small like ours.
  • Grace House needs gifts for:
    • 28 Women 
    • 25 Children
  • Kathleen and Jackie will provide more information when it is available
Sunrise Rotary By-Laws
  • The revisions to our clubs' by-laws have been sent to everyone.
  • Most of the changes came from Rotary International.
  • One key change was that we as members are no longer required to go to make up meetings when we miss a meeting.
  • There was a quorum, and the revisions were approved.
Annual Board Meeting and Dinner - December 12th
  • The District Governor will be attendance at the meeting and appetizers.
  • The Board and committee chairs are welcome to attend. Please let Robin know if you are interested.
  • He will also be the program for our December 13th meeting.
Attention: There will be no meeting on December 27th!

Introducing Future Sunrise Rotary Club Exchange Student - Pearl Spurrell

My name is Pearl Spurrell, I’m a sophomore at Wenatchee High School, and I’m so excited to be a part of Rotary’s Youth Exchange Program!
I love learning about the world, but, I also enjoy hiking, crocheting, and cooking. I used to think that foreign exchange students were so cool, but I thought I would never be brave enough to be one myself.
So, one of the reasons I initially applied to Rotary was because I wanted to break out of my comfort zone, and also because different cultures have always fascinated me. But, as I read more and more about Rotary and its mission,
I’ve also become so excited to become even just a tiny part of it and the good they do in the world. Getting a chance to be a part of the work Rotary does to promote international understanding by representing my country and culture well, while also getting to learn all about countries and cultures
I know nothing or very little about is an incredible opportunity I’m so grateful to get. I can’t wait to broaden my perspective of the world around me, and I hope to use my stories and experiences to change the perspectives of others at home when I return.
I look forward to learning new traditions, new customs, a new language, new recipes, meeting new people, trying new foods, and seeing new things. I want to build my understanding of the world, and better it and myself however I can. I'm excited to experience everything new my country placement and the world have to offer!


Program - Woody Lotts and Allie Schank - Dual Classification Talk

Woody and Ally took a unique approach to delivering their classification talks.

They decided to interview each other and then present the information about one another rather than talking about themselves. They presented pictures to support their stories.

Here are their stories.

Woody Lotts

Woody grew up in Parker Arizona. He was there for 19 years.
He has three older brothers ages 49, 44, and 42.

Woody's dream job was to be a pro wrestler. He is a huge fan of Wrestlemania. He can give you details on all 14 of the Wrestlemania events, including where they were held and who the wrestlers were.

Woody's favorite drink is Dr. Pepper. He loves combining Gusher's candy with Dr. Pepper.

Woody's favorite show as a kid was "Are You Afraid of the Dark" on Nickleodeon. He is a huge fan of all of the Rocky movies as well.

Woody fondly remembers going across the road to his grandmother's house to play games with her. He also spent time at the youth center playing video games, attending town dances, and youth movie nights.

Woody's first kiss was at a dance in the school gym. His dad was the principal of the school.

Woody was quite an athlete. He was the captain of the wrestling team and captain of the football team. He was so talented that he was approached by Harvard on a sports scholarship. Unfortunately, an injury prevented him from pursuing sports after high school.

Woody got his bachelor's degree from Northen Arizona and his Masters from Seattle University.

Woody's favorite show is called "Wednesday" and it airs on Netflix. His favorite network show was "Lost". His favorite movies are Lord of the Rings. He is also a 15-year Dungeon's and Dragon's gamer.

Woody's favorite drink is an "Old Fashioned".
Woody's favorite word is "immaculate".

Allie Schank

Allie was born in Atlanta Georgia on 2/4/96. She and her family were there until 2004. They moved to North Carolina in 2004. She then moved back to Atlanta.

Allie has 1 younger brother.
Allie's dream job was to be doctor. 

As a kid, Allie spent a lot of time in the creek behind her childhood home. She loved playing with and catching tadpoles, feeding them, and then releasing them back into the creek.

Allie's first kiss was after a track meet in the 7th grade behind the bus.

Allie was a very good athlete. She participated in soccer, gymnastics (until she was 12) and swimming. Allie was the captain of the swim team. Allie's swim team finished 2nd and 1st in consecutive years in the state competitions. She was a lifeguard and taught swimming lessons until she was 21.

In college, she was a member of the crew team at the University of Georgia. She participated in the USA crew National Championships.

Allie graduated from the University of Georgia. She is now the General Manager of the Apple Sox Baseball team in Wenatchee.

Allie's favorite drink was a Shirley Temple when she was younger. Now her favorite drink is a Mojito.

Allie is obsessed with Harry Potter. She went to the midnight showings of the 3rd and 4th movies. She also loves all Will Ferrell movies. She also watches a lot of Top Chef.

Allie's favorite word is "kerfuffle". (Her and Judge Judy!)

Just a Thought

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” 
- Henry Ford

No one won the raffle this week.  $200 dollars and growing

Upcoming Events - Check Sunrise Website Calendar for more events and details

December 15th - Sunrise Christmas Party - 6pm at the Wenatchee Museum

October 1st Meeting Notes

 The meeting was called to order by the President Elect, Allie Schank.  We had 2 guests (both named Mike!) Mike Battis from Ballard Ambulanc...