Rebecca Lyons opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Jim Adamson gave our morning invocation. (President Robin DeRock, President-Elect Craig Reese and Treasurer Kathleen McNalty were out of town.)
Non-Rotary guests today were Jim Lotts (Father of member Woody Lotts), and Mike Sheppard (guest of Chris McDarment).
Night In A Box: Robin announced that she would be spending the night in a refrigerator box Friday, Nov. 18th to raise funds for Lighthouse Christian Ministries.
Entiat Holiday Bizaar: Volunteers are still needed to wrap gifts at the Enchanted Entiat Holiday Bizaar at the Entiat School on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022. We will wrap gifts for shoppers for a fee or donations. Our club gets to keep all money collected. A live radio interview with Country 104.7 FM will also take place. Shifts are 8:30 am - 11 am, 11 am -1:30 pm, and 1:30 pm - 4 pm. Contact Robin to volunteer.
Pybus Holiday Kids' Crafts: Pybus Public Market will have children's Holiday crafts (making decorative ornaments) on Saturday, Nov. 26, 11 am - 2 pm. Volunteers are still needed. Contact Kathleen to volunteer. Shifts are only an hour long, 11-12, 12-1, and 1-2.
Wenatchee Valley Stuff-A-Sackpack: Sign up online (, buy a sackpack, stuff it with fun, practical items, and snacks. Drop off the sackpack(s) at OPEX-Wenatchee, 14 Kittitas St., Wenatchee on Fri., Dec. 2nd (12 pm - 5 pm or Sat., Dec. 3rd (10 am - 5 pm).
Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club Christmas Party: Our annual party will be held Thurs., Dec. 15th at the Wenatchee Museum and Cultural Center, from 6 pm to 9 pm. 6 pm - 6:30 social (BYOB), dinner at 6:30 pm. The White Elephant gift exchange will take place. Please bring a wrapped gag gift ($20 max.) to exchange. The cost is $26 per person. This includes tax & tip. We need to get a guest count by Dec. 8, so please sign up early. Contact Carol Adamson (509-630-2120) or Rebecca Lyons (509-230-9378).
Tuesday Morning Breakfast service: Corrin and Charlie Dugger of Mama D's Kitchen has been providing our hot breakfasts for several years. They announced today that they would not be able to provide weekly service to our Tuesday morning meetings. Special occasions or events would be considered. We are currently looking for another food provider to take over the breakfasts at our Tuesday morning meetings. We would like to have the meals delivered to Pybus prior to the meetings. If you know of another food provider, please contact Ruth Dagg.
Apple Century Bike Ride Committee Chairman: Alan Walker was given a thank you card and gift for leading the annual 100-mile bike ride planning and completion. Well done, Alan! We could not have done it without you!
Youth Exchange: News from our outbound youth exchange student, Carley Segerser, in Denmark.
I’m continuing to understand and speak more and more Danish. I move in with my second host family in a few weeks and I hope that by the time I leave them I’ll be fluent. I’m also working backstage for the school play, which has been super fun. Rotary hosted a camp for all of the exchange students in Denmark the last weekend in October and it was so hard to say goodbye to everyone. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people crying at once; it’s amazing how fast we all connected. I’m starting to feel the effects of the long nights too. It gets dark at 4:00 here but at least that means I get to watch the sunset on my way home from school every day. We also had school pictures recently and it’s so fun to be a part of my class.
It would be nice if we all could drop her an email between now and Christmas. Email her at
Picture of Carley with Rotary International President Jennifer Jones.

Peace Park Update: Here are a couple more pictures from the dedication, including the plaque our club donated in honor of John and Betsy McDarment. The pickleball courts will not be finished until spring due to contractor problems. The city has been working to prepare the expanded court area and the fencing. Asphalt, court preparation, coating the surface, and line painting will be done in the spring.

New Member Induction: Our club was pleased to induct Faviola Barbosa, the newest Rotarian in the world (as of Nov. 15, 2022, 7:30 am PST)! She was the FIRST scholarship recipient of the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club's Challenge Scholarship Program! Faviola is the executive director of the Washington Apple Education Foundation. Before coming to WAEF, she worked within the Washington State Community and Technical Colleges system for over 18 years. She has held positions as the Multicultural Affairs and Student Events Coordinator at Wenatchee Valley College for over 12 years, Associate Dean of Student Leadership and Success for over 2 years at Olympic College, and Dean of Transitional Studies for 4 years at Big Bend Community College.
Faviola migrated from Mexico to the US with her family when she was 2 years old! she grew up within the farm working industry in Orondo, Washington, and is a first generation Latinx. She earned a BA in Business Administration from WSU, an MS in College Student Affairs from Nova Southeastern University, and a Doctorate in Leadership in Higher Education from Capella University. Plan to meet Faviola at the next meeting or event, shake her hand and introduce yourself! Welcome Faviola!
Brags and Confessions:
Erik Holmberg confessed to getting hearing aids and attending a craft fair. He is preparing to move his household to Chelan and put his current Broad View home up for sale. He paid to say, "Go Dawgs!"
Jim Adamson counters Erik's brag by paying to say, "Go Coug's!"
Taro Masuda confessed to signing up for the Pet Parade and not showing up. Fine paid! He also bragged about going to Mexico City for an 8-day business trip. He was amazed at the city!
Kelly Walker bragged that she and Alan stayed home for the 3-day weekend but did some local wine tasting at the Wine Walk.
John Schapman took his family to the Wenatchee Wild hockey game. He was pleased to get his son's picture on the Jumbo-Tron, but his son was not pleased!
Marci Treat bragged about her upcoming Night in a Box with family and friends. Hopefully, in different boxes!
Rebecca Lyons bragged about her recent trip to SE Asia for Apple Commission business. She got home late and had minimal time to prepare to lead today's Rotary meeting. (She did fine!)
John Schapman - North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH)
The NCACH was created in 2015 to:
- Bring people and organizations across sectors together to address health equity
- Improve the Medicaid health care delivery system
- Address the Opioid public health crisis
- Invest in health care related infrastructure.
The mission of the North Central Accountable Community of Health is to advance whole-person health and health equity in North Central Washington by unifying stakeholders, supporting collaboration, and driving systemic change, with particular attention to the social determinants of health.
There are 9 Accountable Community of Health (ACH) areas within Washington state. Each is specific to the area that ACH serves.
NCACH is committed to advancing health and well-being in the North Central Washington. With our network of partners, we are dedicated to a simple, measurable goal: All people and places thriving together - no exceptions.
- Each vital condition is connected
- When they decline, it drives demand for urgent services
- We can't wait until people are in crisis
- Our network will focus on building up the vital conditions
NCACH works alongside individuals and organizations across north Central Washington to carry out projects that improve the quality of life for residents in this region. Our network includes partners in the following spaces:
- Local Health Jurisdictions
- Health Care Providers
- Community-Based & Grassroots Organizations
- Social Service Providers
- Local Law Enforcement
Heading into 2023, NCACH is excited to continue building up our network of partners and creating
communities where everyone has a voice at the table when it comes to making decisions about how to thrive.
Thank you, John, for your presentation!
Rebecca reminded us that there will be NO meeting next week on Tuesday, November 22nd. If you show up, plan to confess to it and pay a fine! Happy Thanksgiving!
Milt Herman was chosen to find the elusive silver marble in the bag. His fingers were not successful in find the silver orb which was worth $161. Try again.