Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 21 Meeting Notes


No meeting next Tuesday.  Enjoy the Christmas break.  See you all in 2022.

Greeters for January:  PJ Jones and Rebecca Lyons

January 4 set-up helper: Alan Walker;    clean-up helper - Kelly Walker

John S. gave us a summary of the Board actions at their last meeting.  

Our Road Apple Roulette fundraiser is officially a "GO" for Apple Blossom weekend.  The raffle tickets are being printed, so let's gear up to start selling them to everyone in town (and anywhere else).  Earl announced that Star Ranch will be a $1500 sponsor.

Speaking of Earl, President Kathleen announce that he was the Rotarian of the Month for December.  Rounding up Road Apple Roulette sponsors, shopping for Bruce Housing Christmas for the kids (and adults).  What hasn't Earl done in the last few months?  Thank you for all you do for our club and community.

Our club agreed to use $250 of the leftover funds from the Bruce Christmas gifts to help a single mom with four kids to have a bit of Christmas cheer.  She is a full-time nursing student at WVC, and works part-time to make ends meet.  Alan and Kelly volunteered to shop for gifts for the family.  They were able to get three gifts for each child and mom.  Alan's organization (Community Action Council) also contributed a few items, and they purchase items for a ham dinner.  They will meet with the mom on Wednesday to give her everything. Well done.

Brags and Confessions

PJ is back after a month long battle with COVID. He will be celebrating his birthday on the 26th, and donated $100.

Robin is back from a great trip in Hawaii celebrating her and Richard's 34th anniversary.  She left her mom with a live-in sitter and a new born, and her mom had a good time (maybe she didn't want them to return?).  Robin donated $50.

Craig also has a birthday on the 26th.

Kathleen is back form her trip to Delaware to visit her mom. She enjoyed helping her chef son cook a 7-course meal.


Amber Hanes-Miller, Community Outreach Coordinator for Life Flight Network, gave a talk on their lifesaving business.  Life Flight was started in 1978, and is the largest air ambulance service in the US.  The 26 full-time bases serve Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, with reciprocal agreements with all the western states.  Amber talked about the technology, medical staff, operations, and transport procedures and policies of Life Flight.  They also provide training and education for community responders, healthcare partners, and the public.  Amber also went over the costs and benefits of membership.  At least 10 of our club are currently members, and receive a discount on the yearly fee.  You can check it all out on their website at https://www.lifeflight.org/.

October 1st Meeting Notes

 The meeting was called to order by the President Elect, Allie Schank.  We had 2 guests (both named Mike!) Mike Battis from Ballard Ambulanc...