Visiting Guest:
Alice Brown from the NCW Economic Development District visited the meeting and was the keynote speaker.
Club President Taro Masuda shared the news that Rebecca Lyons' husband Greg passed away in his sleep on Monday, Jan. 6th. Greg has 3 adult children living in the US, and he and Rebecca have an adopted daughter Mari. Carol Adamson said she would be getting a card to send from the whole club.
Wayne Massing told the club that 11 applications for the Life Flight Network membership had been sent to the Life Flight office in Portland. Membership cards would soon be sent to members. Other members that would like to enroll for $59/year, please contact Wayne Massing for information.
The Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club "Fundraising Committee" will meet at Pybus Public Market on Monday, Jan. 13th at 5:30 pm.
Club Treasurer Kathleen McNalty said that dues for the 2nd quarter of the Rotary year would be coming out next week. The Holiday Party billing would be on that invoice. The optional Rotary Foundation fund-matching of $50 will be on the next quarter's dues invoice.
Kathleen McNalty also announced that she would like to get a table for our club at the Wenatchee Rotary Club's Auction on Jan. 25th. Costs are $65/person. Contact Kathleen for more details.
Club Secretary John Schapman reminded the club members that he still had sponsorship packets for the Apple Century Bike Ride sponsors. See him to get some.
Alan Walker, Apple Century Bike Ride chair, reminded the club that the next Bike Ride meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 5:30 pm at the Community Action Council at 620 Lewis Street, Wenatchee.
Jill Courtney, Senior Dinner Chair, reminded the club of the Senior Dinner planning meeting will be Friday, Jan. 10th at 7:00 am at Bob's Classic (Wenatchee). The Senior Dinner is Saturday, March 21, at the Senior Center. This is an All Hands event!
Brags and Confessions:
Earl Crowe returned the Chuck Norris Joke Book that he ended up with at the Holiday Party. He said the jokes were "R-rated" and he couldn't share them with his family! Jim Huffman perked up at the words "Chuck Norris" and said he'd donated $20 to the club to put that book in the trash.
Kathleen McNalty said she'd finally gone to the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade on New Year's Day. She enjoyed it, but confessed to not seeing the Rotary float!
Craig Reese confessed to having his 58th birthday.
Pete Blanksma bragged about the Seahawks' game.
Roth Dagg said one of her son's, who was in the Air Force, got engaged to an Army woman. She got out of the Army to be together with him.
Taro Masuda said he had received a Christmas card from Gary and Brenda Looney in Arizona, who wished everyone a Happy New Year!
Taro also told about getting his cat back after it was gone for 5 weeks. The cat now sports a new chip in its neck!
January birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand column.
Alice Brown from the NCW Economic Development District was the meeting's speaker. She announced the "Supernova Business Launch Competition". This competition was available to small businesses (< 500 employees, a new business or expanding, existing one) in Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, Ferry and Colville Confederated Tribes areas. This is an 11,000 square mile area.
The competition starts in early 2020 and ends in August, 2020, with the prize being $10,000. Business plans can be loaded to a website, voted on, judged and the prize will be awarded in August. One opportunity for the business selected will be tax breaks over a 10 year period. Details on Face Book @NCWEDD, or on their website: NCWEDD
Club President Taro Masuda presented Alice with a book that will be donated to the North Central Regional Library in her name.
Closing Comments:
President Taro reminded the club member that January was Vocational Service month, and read a description of vocational service.
The pot draw was won by Wayne Massing, who donated the $4 back to the club!
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.