District Governor Sherry Chamberlain and husband Jim opened the meeting with a program on Membership Engagement.
- How do we engage new members? Induction, take them to coffee, have them give a classification talk.
- Why is membership engagement important? Retention, new member feels connected and valuable.

- Committees. Very important that all club members sign up for one or more committees. A committee of 1 is not a committee! Ask a new member to sign up for one or more committees. Committee meetings should be fun!! Follow through after the committee meeting to complete a committee plan of action. Report back to the club from the committee meetings.
- "Give back to the Community" is the number one reason people join Rotary. When members get inspired, they produce results, and stay in Rotary.
The Gorge Amphitheatre Concerts for our fundraisers
Wayne Massing announced the concerts that our club would be selling adult beverages and receiving a percentage of the sales for our club. Contact Wayne if you would like to volunteer for the following concerts:
Beck on Saturday, July 13th
Watershed on Friday, Aug. 2, Sat., Aug. 3, and Sun., Aug. 3, two shifts each day (10:30-5 pm and 5 pm to midnight)
Mumford & Son on Friday, Aug. 8
Avett Brothers on Sat., Aug 10
The Dave Matthews Band on Fri., Aug. 30, Sat., Aug. 31, and Sun. Sept. 1. (Labor Day Weekend)
President Lisa announced that Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarian Jenny Rojanasthien will be leaving our club and going to the evening club.
April 10th is the second gathering of Women in Rotary in our area. Bring prospective members (women or men). Norwood Wine Bar at 5:30 pm.
April 10th is also when the Men in Rotary have an impromptu get together at Badger Mountain Brewery at 5:30 pm.
May 1, is the
All-Service Club Luncheon at the Convention Center. Cost is $25 per person. Keynote speaker is Melissa Arias, who oversees the strategic direction and operations for Make-a-Wish Alaska and Washington. Contact Carol Adamson if you missed the sign up sheet. We have two tables for our club.
April 13, 14 are the days for Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) in the Wenatchee area. Several of our club members are attending.
April 16 we will have Classification Talks.
April 16, 5:30 pm for the Bike Ride Committee meeting at Bob's Classic-Wenatchee.
April 22, 23, 9 am to 1 pm, the Wenatchee Library is temporarily relocating, and needs volunteers to help move books and equipment those two days. Our club has a connection to the Library with our donations of children's' books donated in the name of the speakers at our club. Please help out, if you can. Some heavy lifting is involved, so plan accordingly.
April 23 we will have the Apple Blossom Festival Royalty as our speakers! Bring family and friends.
April 27, 8:30 am is the start of the 100th Apple Blossom Festival Youth Parade starting at Triangle Park. Volunteers are needed to help marshal the parade. Please contact Allan Walker if you wish to help out and see the parade up close!
Wed., May 1, is the All-Service Club Luncheon at the Convention Center. Cost is $25 per person. Keynote speaker is Melissa Arias, who oversees the strategic direction and operations for Make-a-Wish Alaska and Washington. Contact Carol Adamson if you missed the sign up sheet. We will have two tables for our club.
May 2-5 is the District 5060 Conference in Kamloops, British Columbia. Three days of Rotary fellowship, leadership training, and district updates! All Fun! Several of our club members are attending!
District Governor Sherry Chamberlain presented President-Elect Taro Matsuda his first Paul Harris Fellow award. The
PAUL HARRIS Fellow is an award given to those who have given $1,000 dollars,
possibly over several years, to our Rotary Foundation. It is one of the most
prestigious awards in Rotary and thereby named after the founder of Rotary,
Paul Harris. Giving
any sum of money to the Rotary Foundation makes you a part of the eradication
of Polio, a partner in creating PEACE, a person who supports Clean Water and
Sanitation where water is worth more than gold, and it is measured in LIVES.
President-Elect Taro Matsuda presented Club President Lisa Parks with her second Paul Harris Fellow award. She was short a few points from getting it, but the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club Board of Directors voted to help her achieve the award!
Brags and Confessions:
Jim Huffman shared a new Chuck Norris joke. He's still awaiting a laugh!
Mansour Ravassipour shared his recent travel plans, and said he was glad to be back in Wenatchee, even for such a short time.
Chris McDarment shared Joseph's tennis schedule. If you can attend and cheer him on, please do so!
His upcoming home schedule (all at the WRAC in Wenatchee) is:
-Tuesday, April 23 @ 3pm vs. Moses Lake
-Monday, April 29 @ 3pm vs. Eisenhower
-Tuesday, April 30 @ 3pm vs. Eastmont.
Lisa Parks said she had FUN back in her life, with fly fishing, guitar playing ,and motorcycle riding, all shared with a significant other!
Jim Adamson shared accomplishments and awards of his grandkids.
Davis Barshes said he was a Lego-Land Hotel survivor!
Craig Reeves showed us some colorful, handmade bags, some full of coffee. The soup bowl trivets were both functional and colorful. He raffled off items to support his Burundi school.
Craig Reeves and David Barshes, co-chairs of the Challenge Scholarship Program were our program speakers today. They showed a video that our club had produced highlighting how people's lives had been changed by our Challenge Scholarship Program. They said that the funds available for the scholarships had been set at $12,000 for two years of college and 2 years worth of books (paid at 50% of the books). They discussed the Mentoring Program which helped the selected students through high school and into college. Our Challenge Scholarship Program is so successful that the East Wenatchee Rotary Club was using ours as a model to start their own program. Each year 25-30 applicants apply for 2-3 scholarships. Earl Crowe is the chair of the selection committee, and he is looking for volunteers to be on this committee. Contact him if you're interested.
See April birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand panel.