THE ROTARY FOUNDATION MONTH (TRF) - Yes, November is the month Rotary celebrates the great work of the foundation. Funds from TRF are used for district and club projects in our communities and around the world. We are changing and saving lives through our efforts using district and global grants. Our club matches the $50 a members contributes to TFR, and we are looking to get 100% participation. Let's all do our part to do good in the world through our TRF donation this year.
Bike Ride committee meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 13, 5:30, Bob's Burgers & Brew
December 11 -
Club Christmas party at Ridgeline Graphics - details to come
New rosters are here. Pick yours up at the Tuesday meetings
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) - April 13-14 in Wenatchee
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) - May 23-26 in Penticton, BC

Joseph gave an update of his exploits, including pumpkin carving and homecoming dance.
Karen Francis-McWhite, Exec. Director of the NCW Economic Development District, talked about the organizations goals and progress in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan Counties. Their mission is to advance economic development in the three counties, promote partnerships, support development plans, and serve as gatekeepers for economic opportunities.
Past Events
Jim & Carol. Taro, and Wayne all attended the District Assembly in Chelan on Oct. 26-27. Wine and appetizers were served at the Chelan Chamber Friday night, followed by dinner. Saturday included the main topics of membership, public image, The Rotary Foundation, and leadership, and breakouts on those topics, as well as sharing best practices of fundraising and projects.

That same Saturday, a group including
Pete Blanksma, Jill Courtney, Kathleen McNalty, PJ Jones, Alan Walker, & Joel Bankin (and wife Julie and a friend), cleaned our section of the highway near Hydro Park. Thanks for your time.
On October 24,
all 6 area clubs got together for a potluck celebrating the accomplishments of
Rotary's polio eradication program. There were a couple stories of polio survivors, a short video, information about polio and where we are now, and some great raffle prizes. Although it was not a fundraising event, over $1400 was collected from donations and raffle tickets that will be matched 2-to-1 by the Gate Foundation, and then sent to Rotary's polio campaign. We are so close!
Thanks to PJ for organizing the Habitat Fence building project. The work was complected over three Saturdays, with over 12 members volunteering their time and talents.
We had a great turn out for the last 2nd Harvest food distribution in mid-October at the Wenatchee Community Center.
A total of over 850 families were served by our 5 food trucks this summer, with over 14,000 pounds of fresh food distributed. Our club had around 20 of our members volunteer at one or more of the distributions.