Sunrise Rotary Christmas Party
December 21, ThursdayLocation: Ridgeline Graphics, 34 N. Chelan Ave.Starts at 6:00BYOB Special Christmas Drink - $5 donationCatered by Olive Garden Cost per person $18White Elephant Gift Exchange – 1 gift per familyRaffle and other fun stuff RSVP to Ruth or Alice by Dec. 10
Red Lion has increased room fees again, so we will be looking for another meeting place.
Club elections are coming up. We need two new Board members next year (July 1). Kathleen and Patty will be going off. Kathleen has volunteered to be our treasurer. If you would like to serve, or nominate someone (w/ their permission), contact Jim Huffman soon.
New Member:

Paul Harris Recognition:
This is Rotary Foundation Month, and Jerry Karney talked about ways we can encourage members to contribute to the Foundation, and recognize members or community citizens for their contributions.
He then called Maggie Nelson up, and presented a Paul Harris Fellow in the name of Charlie, her late-husband. He also thanked Maggie for all her past work as our club secretary and with the youth exchange and Challenge Scholar programs.
Water Filter Project:

Jim Huffman demonstrated how water filtration units work. Funds collected in the "Blue Cups" will be used to send filters to Puerto Rico.
Program - Classification Talk:
Laura Singletary gave an inspiring talk about her life and career journey. She, her sister, and her parents started out in California. She gets her competitive spirit from her mom, and her spirit of adventure from her dad. When she was 15, her parents divorced, and Laura found herself homeless and drifting in and out of shelters. At 18 she was pregnant, and in an abusive relationship. She "escaped" one night, and her daughter (now 30) became her purpose in life. As a high school dropout, she couldn't support herself and her daughter, so went on welfare, which was one of the worst experiences she's ever had.
The good news? Over the next 16 years she earned her Bachelor's degree from the UW. She met her husband, Mike, at the UW, and they now have a daughter of their own. Laura worked at a court house job for 7 years, working her way up to an administrator. She completed her Masters in Higher Ed at WWU, and took a job at WVC. Laura is the Director of Student Programs, which includes overseeing the new Rec Center and residence halls, and advising the student leadership groups and clubs. She is now starting work on her doctoral program. Laura is also working with the startup Rotaract Club at WVC.
Family of Rotary:
December Birthdays: Lisa Parks, Adam Prater, Leslie Coleman, Joel McDonald, PJ Jones, & Leonard Noss
December Anniversaries: Jill Courtney (Dick), Robin DeRock (Richard), & Adam Prater (Jennifer)