Highway Cleanup. Thanks to all who helped collect 45 bags of trash over two days of cleanup on our Adopt a Highway adventure!
Wow, we are making a mess out there on those highways. It could have been worse...see picture at right of a California highway.
Mark Your Calendars. Friday, November 20 at Taro's house 6 pm for TGIF. Something special is in the works...more to come.
Sunday, December 13 and Chateau Faire Le Pont for our holiday party and white elephant gift exchange. Start planning now for your white elephant gift. It's never too early to shop for junky items likely to embarrass the recipient.
Mentor Meeting. Join Erin McCool for an overview of our high school mentor and Challenge Scholarship programs on November 22. We need more mentors and this event will give you the information you need to consider it. Time and location to be announced. Contact Erin or Joan Wright for more information.
Youth Exchange. Maggie Nelson announced that we have committed to Youth Exchange for 2016. Let Maggie know if you are interested in hosting in 2016.
Leonard Noss Update. Milt Herman reports Leonard is doing well but staying close to home. Leonard's son, David, keeps a close eye on him. His scheduled arthroscopic heart valve replacement has been delayed until December due to his surgeon being hit by a cyclist and suffering a broken leg.
Brags & Confessions
- Erin McCool reiterated the sad news of Alcoa's temporary closure. It is likely to be for a year. Erin's husband, Paul Hefferman, works at Alcoa. Let's provide our friends and colleagues at Alcoa with emotional support and any job leads we may come across.
- Craig Robertson turned 45 and paid for it (only financially this time)!
- Matt McColm had a run in with a nun and lost.... Will need more follow up on this one.
- Kevin Love is back from New England and hopes to hang around for a bit before the next adventure
Program: Family Planning of North Central Washington. Anita Tuason presented an overview of this 45 year old organization. It serves a geograhic area of 12,500 square miles and has offices in Wenatchee, Moses Lake, City of Okanogan, Twisp and Mattawa. They primarily serve women by providing health exams; birth control counseling; emergency contraception; pregnancy tests, options and counseling; and HIV testing and treatment. Family Planning of North Central Washington has 17 staff. Last year they provided 2,829 clinic visits to 1,869 clients, 78% of whom are under 30 adn 68% of whom are at the poverty level or below.
Wayne presented Anita with a certificate and shared with her a book donated in her name to our local library.
Thank you Anita for joining us.
October Rotarian of the Month. At our October 27th meeting Wayne presented the Rotarian of the Month Award to Kathleen McNalty in recognition of her work on the blog and her efforts, with Alice Thompson, on finding sponsors for the 2016 Bike Ride.